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We Help you build custom desktop computers at very reasonable prices!

  • Custom-built computers tend to have higher quality parts and workmanship than cheaply made new brand-name computers. Being able to choose what goes into the computer means you can source superior parts, giving your PC longevity.

  • Custom built PCs are far easier to be upgraded or repaired because they use consistently standard parts, making it far simpler to repair than new computers which often have manufacturer-specific parts. This means it’s very difficult to upgrade your current machine because the brand-name company would prefer you to buy another computer, instead.

  • If you are an intense user of your PC and demand a lot of power from your computer, then custom-made probably has more advantages because you can construct the computer with a larger power source and prime parts to fit your needs. Brand new PCs are inclined to come as they are and cannot be amended easily.

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